Category: Videos

i appeared on Tom Kiely's INN World Report on April 2 to talk about the coming internet crackdown - in Europe, the UK, and the US. The EU has passed Article 13 (changing the name at the last minute to Article 17, a move that apparently fooled more than a few MEPs into voting for it) in a bid to defy the Second Law of Thermodynamics & place the internet freedom cat squarely back in the ruling-class bag. While the internet was developed by the military for counterinsurgency/surveillance purposes, it unexpectedly became a powerful tool for liberation at the same time as it enabled unprecedented police-state repression. The ruling class no longer believes it can leave up to chance the superior informational firepower it once took for granted, & is therefore imposing clumsy, imprecise filters [here's an example of their handiwork - that cost YouTube $100 million!!] to ensure the battle becomes even more one-sided. When you are legislating the argument, you've already lost. History rewritten at gunpoint is not embraced, even if it is parroted. There is no legitimate reason to outlaw speech, beyond the handful of exceptions legislated over a century ago ("fire" in a crowded theatre, immediate incitements to violence). i'd actually love to debate someone over the validity of hate speech policies, so if you want to defend them or know anyone who does, let's talk...